Welcome to Project Arclight!
Arclight is our mission-driven transformation project enabled by the redevelopment of our church site. It includes the construction of a new and improved church and community hall, a public playground, a community café and housing. The scheme is not-for-profit, with the proceeds from the sale of the housing being used to fund the construction of the community and church facilities.
Why Arclight? An arclight is a type of lamp which produces an extremely bright light by enabling electricity to jump, or arc, between two closely spaced conductors. As we see this project come to fruition we hope to see our church connecting with people in ways which are not currently possible, burning brightly and lighting up our community.
We have received pre-planning advice from Redbridge and we held two community consultation drop-in sessions in July 2024 during which we shared the evolving plans with members of the community. We are now reviewing feedback comments and consulting with planning specialists which will result in further design iterations. We are aiming to submit our full planning application in October 2024. The planning submission reference number will be included here once available. There will be an opportunity for members of the public to view and comment on the scheme again following submission as part of the statutory planning process.
Click HERE to find out more about the evolving scheme.
If you have questions or comments about the evolving scheme, you're welcome to send them to Comments received before Sunday 11th August will be considered and responded to as part of our formal community consultation exercise. We will of course endeavour to respond to feedback received after this date. If you would like to stay up to date, you can join our Arclight email distribution list. Just send a request to
We continue to pray that our project will be a blessing to the community, bringing the love of Jesus to those around us and providing practically for the community.
With my prayers and best wishes,
Abi Todd
Vicar of Holy Trinity South Woodford